Willem Jan Noordhuizen

Willem Jan Noordhuizen is e graduate of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (Master in Dutch Civil Law, 1989) and was admitted to the bar for the first time in 1989. Until 1996 he practiced law in Roermond, Netherlands after which he became a law clerk (gerechtsauditeur) for the Dutch Supreme Court (Hoge Raad der Nederlanden), section Civil Law which position he held until he was sworn in as a judge. Between 2000 and 2018 he sat on the bench of the Court of The Hague (Arrondissementsrechtbank ‘s Gravenhage), section Civil Law, the Court of Appeals of Amsterdam (Gerechtshof Amsterdam), section Civil Law and during two different periods, on the bench of the Joint Court of Justice of the Netherlands-Antilles and Aruba. As a judge Willem Jan Noordhuizen was also President of the Committee on the Supervision of Lawyers (Raad van Toezicht voor de Advocatuur).

In 2018 Willem Jan Noordhuizen went back to practicing law as a lawyer and was sworn in and became a member of the Aruba Bar Association in Aruba since when he handles complex civil matters as an advisor as well as a litigator, he acts as a lawyers lawyer and issues second opinions. Willem Jan Noordhuizen teaches Civil Procedure at the University of Aruba, he has co-authored a book on tenancy law (Nederlands-Antilliaans en Arubaans huurrecht, 2009), he is a co-founder and member of the editorial staff of the weekly magazine Kluwer Dutch civil law jurisprudence (Nederlandse Jurispruntie Feitenrechtspraak) (October 2003 – present), member of the Committee on the Supervision of Lawyers of Sint Maarten (Raad van Toezicht voor de Advocatuur) since 2019 and of Aruba since 2020 and, since 2019 he is an Extraordinary member of the Council of Advice of Sint Maarten (Raad van Advies).

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